Rep. Burrows files bill for I-27 extension study

Lubbock Avalanche – Journal
By: Matt Dotray

State Rep. Dustin Burrows wants Texas to study the proposed extension of Interstate 27.

The day before the state’s 85th Legislature convenes, Burrows filed a bill that would direct the Texas Department of Transportation to conduct a feasibility study on extending Interstate 27 from Lubbock to Laredo along the Ports- to-Plains map.

The bill calls for a study analyzing the cost and the impact to be complete by 2019.

“The bill would direct TxDOT to examine a critically needed expansion of I-27, which currently ends in Lubbock,” Burrows said of the Amarillo to Lubbock highway. “Given the economic and population growth West Texas has experienced during the last 20 years, the continuation of the interstate to Laredo would allow for further industry and business expansion along the route.”

Going south from Lubbock in the proposed route, the interstate would go down to Lamesa, split in Lamesa with one route going to Midland and the other going to Big Spring; meet back in Sterling City where it continues through San Angelo and down to Del Rio. From there it would hug the border until it reaches Eagle Pass, then go east to Carrizo Springs and then south to Laredo.

The proposed route would cross I-20 in Midland and Big Spring, I-10 in Sonora and both I-35 and the future route of I-69 in Laredo.

Michael Reeves, executive director of the Ports to Plains Alliance, said in a news release that he supports the effort to facilitate the needed study. Lubbock Mayor Dan Pope said the same.

“From an economic development perspective, the extension of I-27 would be a huge boost, not only to Lubbock’s economy, but to virtually all the communities along the Interstate. A thorough TxDOT study would certainly prepare us for the next step in the process.”

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