Texas Senate Power Rankings

By: Mike Hailey

The biennial Capitol Inside analysis of clout at the statehouse this year is a tale of two chambers with Republican leaders who are diametric opposites and a classic study in the spoils of victory and the wages of defeat in the game of thrones inside the Austin beltway.

But the lawmaker who’s made the longest leap of all power ladder is State Rep. Dustin Burrows- a Lubbock Republican who’d been one of Bonnen’s most instrumental original supporters as the party caucus chief in the House where he’s the point person on property taxes in his debut session as the Ways & Means Committee chairman. Burrows committee leadership post came complete with seats on the Legislative Budget Board and the Legislative Audit Committee.

Power Rise 2019 2017 Net
Dustin Burrows 2 76 +74
Eddie Rodriguez 15 76 +61
Tom Craddick 17 76 +59
Terry Canales 18 76 +58
Greg Bonnen 20 76 +56
Joe Moody 23 76 +54
Drew Springer 24 76 +52
Jeff Leach 25 76 +52
Craig Goldman 11 63 +52
John Cyrier 28 76 +48
James Frank 38 70 +32
Toni Rose 14 44 +30
Armando Walle 30 56 +26
Chris Paddie 7 32 +25
Poncho Nevárez 29 54 +25
Stephanie Klick 42 76 +24
Tracy King 19 39 +20


Read the full story here: Mike Hailey’s Capitol Inside: Big Leaps and Long Falls in House with Blue Shade