TX House Rep. Burrows California Legislature and Texas Travel Ban


“Today, the California Legislature prohibited the expenditure of its state funds for state employee travel to Texas because of our morals and ethics. Months ago, I offered an amendment to the Texas state budget to counter this type of nonsense — my amendment would have reciprocated if another state did this very thing. Texans are the most inclusive, welcoming people in the world — what Texans will not do is allow another state to determine our policy and culture”

Read more about California Legislative action here: http://www.sacbee.com/news/business/article157702744.html


Talking Points with Bryan Mudd (6/18/17)

LUBBOCK, TX (KAMC NEWS) – Are you a fan of South Plains politics? Here are your Talking Points for this week.

How many of you got in line to prostest your property taxes this year? Governor Abbot says he wants statewide reform but is he expecting too much from lawmakers? Lawmakers couldn’t agree on changes the first time in Austin.

Congressman Jodey Arrington has promised to work for local veterans in District 19. Round one of that fight against the broken Veterans Administration may have been won by an adminstrative knockout.

Also this week we introduce you to the new chariman of the Texas Republican Party.

We’ll recap all the local, state and national political news on this week’s broadcast.

Talking Points with Bryan Mudd airs each Sunday morning at 11:30 a.m. and Sunday evenings at 11:05 p.m. on KAMC.

Click here to watch the full interview: http://www.everythinglubbock.com/news/local-news/talking-points-with-bryan-mudd-61817/744132169

Key issues that need to be addressed in special session

Lubbock Avalanche Journal

I am proud of our governor for calling for us back to Austin to complete some unfinished work. He has done the right thing, which is evident by every liberal and anti-taxpayer special interest group attacking him for making the call. They are wrong, and I expect that we can get the following done within the 30 days:

1. Property tax reform: The property tax is a local tax (Texas abolished the state property tax in 1982). Even though it’s a local tax, the state has the responsibility for setting the process and procedure by which local entities collect it.

Taxpayers are frustrated when they hear that their property tax rate stayed the same, but their tax liability went up and with no explanation of where the extra money went. Taxpayers deserve more transparency. They deserve to know which local taxing entity got what extra money. They need this information to have more intelligent conversations with their mayor and county commissioners about what the extra money was needed for. During the special session, I will support legislation that provides this information to taxpayers.

Taxpayers also deserve to have more control over their property taxes. Texas law currently provides that if a local taxing entity raises property taxes beyond a certain percentage (the “rollback rate”), then an election will occur to ratify or reject that increase. When originally implemented, the rollback rate was 5 percent; however, because of the massive inflation during the Carter administration, it was then increased to 8 percent. Numerous attempts have been made to lower it back to 5 percent. The closest attempt was in 2005, when a bill passed both chambers with strong bipartisan support (the bill died before reaching the governor’s desk). That bill had several amendments to address the concerns of cities and counties, including keeping smaller taxing units at the current rollback rate. I am certain that we can find a solution in the special session that works for both taxpayers and smaller counties and cities.

2. ASATR funding: The most important issue we will address during the special session for District 83 is helping stabilize schools that are dependent on Additional State Aide for Tax Reduction. Those are funds that go to certain schools (many in rural Texas) in addition to the basic funds allotted. These have been in place since 2006 and will statutorily expire unless extended by this Legislature. There is significant opposition to extending these funds from special interest groups that disagree with ASATR.

Many of us fought hard to extend ASATR during the regular session; however, an agreement was not reached before time ran out. During the special session, I will continue to work for an extension of ASATR; and, the elimination of the small-school adjustment.

3. Pro-life initiatives: During the regular session, we accomplished many pro-life initiatives such as ending dismemberment abortion (where the child is killed in utero by being torn limb from limb while his or her heart is still beating). During the special session, I look forward to working with my colleagues to accomplish each of the four measures Gov. Abbott has called for. The measures include: (1) preventing Texans from being forced to fund the elective abortions of others through insurance; (2) stopping cities and counties from funneling tax dollars to the profit-driven abortion industry; (3) requiring patient or surrogate consent before a DNR order is placed on a patient; and, (4) reforming the reporting requirements of abortion and abortion complications.

While I travel the district, I often hear from constituents that they are concerned about property taxes, the funding of schools and protection of life. I look forward to representing these concerns in Austin during this special session.

Dustin Burrows represents House District 83 in the Texas Legislature. He serves on the Agriculture and Livestock Committee, the Investments and Financial Services Committee and the Texas House Republican Caucus Policy Committee.

Read more here: http://lubbockonline.com/opinion/opinion-columnists/2017-06-16/dustin-burrows-key-issues-need-be-addressed-special-session

Representative Dustin Burrows Talks Special Session And Other Issues [INTERVIEW]

Tuesday on The Chad Hasty Show, Texas District 83 Representative Dustin Burrows joined Chad in the KFYO studio to talk about the upcoming special legislative session called by Governor Greg Abbot, and some of the issues that have been and will be faced by legislators.

Burrows and Hasty discussed the new texting while driving law, Child Protective Services (CPS) reform, the state budget, SB-2 and property tax reform, and much more.

While talking about the new texting while driving ban recently signed into law by Governor Abbott, Burrows said,

This texting while driving ban, regardless of how you feel about the bill itself, I think most drivers, and I voted for this, it makes sense to have one set of regulations as you drive from city to city, to know what laws you’re under, instead of hundreds of different ones.

During the conversation about state versus local control, Burrows used the example of cities levying fines against someone who has referred to an individual using a pronoun that is ‘unacceptable’ to the other person. Burrows said,

Chad, to me that’s local tyranny. The idea that they’re going to raise revenue off of you and I calling somebody the wrong pronoun? That’s not good for the state of Texas. And we’re not going to let Houston or Austin, or these cities undermine our culture, by coming up with new protected classes and denying science.

Speaking about controversy over the reasoning for, and agenda items on tap for the special session of the legislature, Burrows said,

I’m here today to defend the governor’s call for a special session.

Listen to the entire interview with Representative Dustin Burrows in the video above.

The Chad Hasty Show airs weekday mornings live, from 8:30 AM to 11:00 AM on News/Talk 95.1 FM and 790 AM KFYO, online at KFYO.com, and on the free RadioPup app. Follow Chad on Twitter via @ChadHastyRadio & KFYO Radio at @KFYO!

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Read More: Dustin Burrows Talks Special Session And Other Issues | http://kfyo.com/representative-dustin-burrows-talks-special-session-and-other-issues-interview/?trackback=tsmclip

INTERVIEW: Burrows on plans for special session

By James Eppler

Lubbock State Rep. Dustin Burrows says he is ready to get back to work for a special session ordered by Gov. Abbott in July. In a discussion on Good Day Lubbock, he said he thinks a deal can get done on school finance, but vouchers do not need to be part of it.

In the regular session, the House passed legislation to pump more than a billion dollars into public schools to begin fixing the finance system. The Senate, under Lt. Gov. Patrick, passed a school finance bill that included vouchers for special needs students and about a third of the money the House approved. Some House members say vouchers are a non-starter. Burrows said the small school penalty is a much more pressing concern.

“It is difficult, if not impossible, for me to want to show up and not fix the real concerns of our district and even talk to them about vouchers,” Burrows said.

On the possibility of transgender bathroom legislation, Burrows said the House bill focused only on schools that he supports is a preemption bill.

“It says, historically, the State of Texas and the United States have always determined who is and who isn’t a protected class,” he said. “There are some cities, some higher education places and schools who believe there are more than two genders out there. I disagree with that.”

The full discussion with Burrows including his ideas on property tax reform and the perceived riff within the GOP is in the attached video.

Read more here: http://www.fox34.com/story/35652634/interview-burrows-on-plans-for-special-session

Bill to help injured first responders headed to Texas Governor’s desk

By: Presley Fowler

AUSTIN, TX (KCBD) – A bill authored by District 83 Representative Dustin Burrows will now head to Governor Greg Abbott’s desk.

House Bill 2082 aims to help injured law enforcement officers as they attempt to file for worker’s compensation.

We’ve been following this bill as it has made its way through committee and ultimately, passed through both the Texas House and Senate late Wednesday night.

Representative Dustin Burrows posted a message on Facebook Thursday night, saying he is proud to be an advocate for our state’s first responders.

House Bill 2082 creates a “law enforcement liaison” within the Texas Department of Worker’s Compensation Agency to help injured first responders as they navigate the sometimes complicated process to recovery.

“If an officer is having trouble finding a doctor, having trouble with worker’s comp paying for their medical bills, having trouble with appointments – for instance, a lot of this is therapy, so that they can get back to work. This liaison will help tremendously,” said Mary Duncan, an advocate for peace officers in Lubbock and President of the Crime Victim Coalition.

Duncan is also the wife of an officer who was injured in the late ’70s.

Through this process, she and other area injured officers and family members met many times with Representative Burrows to discuss the issues, also working with Representative John Frullo and Senator Charles Perry.

Mary and her husband were among those who traveled to Austin in April to testify for the committee.

This group included medically retired LPD officer Jacob Flores, along with Jessica Scherlen, the wife of Amarillo Police Officer Justin Scherlen, who ended up passing away from complications from his injury while serving as an officer.

“We couldn’t believe that we were able to stand up there and tell our stories…it was very emotional but yet it was so very well-received. When we were all up there, one thing we did discuss is that they were all paying attention and that they were in disbelief of what these officers had gone through,” Duncan said.

As this bill awaits a signature from Governor Abbott. Mary says they are optimistic for the future of this legislation taking effect.

“We just hope that this helps the next first responder that gets injured in the line of duty,” Duncan said.

Duncan says they are awaiting the date of a bill signing ceremony for HB 2082.

Copyright 2017 KCBD. All rights reserved.

Read the full article here: http://www.kcbd.com/story/35522122/bill-to-help-injured-first-responders-headed-to-texas-governors-desk

Legislative run down, #stopunderpayments, Rep. Burrows

State of Reform

Rep. Dustin Burrows has distinguished himself as a legislator willing to push forward on health policy in spite of the politics in Washington DC clouding the path forward for Texas.  We chatted with him at length in February about his transparency legislation, HB 307. While that bill has stalled, transparency of pricing will likely continue to be an issue.

In this episode of “What They’re Watching,” Rep. Burrows lays out the case that an efficient insurance market requires a relatively clear understanding of what procedures cost from the medical system – and how sharing the incentives and savings with consumers will help drive price competition.

Read more here: http://stateofreform.com/5-things/2017/05/legislative-run-stopunderpayments-rep-burrows/

Talking Points with Bryan Mudd (5/14/17)

LUBBOCK, TX (KAMC NEWS) – Are you a fan of South Plains politics? Here are your Talking Points for this week.

In the old days, if you wanted to hold a peaceful protest you might have a “sit-in” or even a “love-in.” These days, if you’re a Democrat in a heavily conservative area, you’ve got to try a little shock value. We’ll take you to a “die-in.”

A late start to work in the Texas House means a last minute flurry to try and bring bills to the floor for a vote. This often leads to fear and loathing, along with tears and anguish over what made it and what didn’t make it to a vote.

Also this week, we recap and look ahead at the local, state and national political headlines.

Talking Points with Bryan Mudd airs each Sunday morning at 11:30 a.m. and Sunday evenings at 11:05 p.m.

You can also watch the broadcast below:


Letter regarding House Bill 4011

Re: HB 4011

To Whom it May Concern:

I appreciate your organization expressing concern over HB4011.

First, false information is purposefully being put out about HB4011 and I want to set the record straight. The Bill does not preclude a physician from balance billing, billing or suing a patient over an unpaid debt. Further, it does not prevent a judgment obtained by a provider from being reported to a credit reporting agency. The bill simply provides that if a provider wants to report an overdue account to a credit reporting agency, they must first have disclose the price; or, obtain a judgment.

Nothing in my bill mandates price disclosure by anyone.

Second, I have heard concerns from others and have proposed amendments to address those (although I am told TMA will oppose any bill dealing with price transparency). The most notable amendment I have proposed is one limiting the disclosures to the top 25 “shoppable” medical events.

Third and finally, as you will recall I have had several meetings with your group about the idea of price transparency legislation. At the outset, I asked your groups to work with me (not against me) to find a reasonable solution. I distinctly remember being assured that this would happen. However, it has not, and appears that your group has decided to ignore me (and the people I proudly represent who are struggling to pay for healthcare and health insurance).

Perhaps, in the future, your organization will reconsider your position of ignoring my price transparency legislation and working against it. If you do reconsider, I will be more than happy to work with you to come up with good policy for all Texans.

For any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact my office at (512) 463-0542.


Dustin Burrows