LUBBOCK, TX (KAMC NEWS) – Are you a fan of South Plains politics? Here are your Talking Points for this week.
In the old days, if you wanted to hold a peaceful protest you might have a “sit-in” or even a “love-in.” These days, if you’re a Democrat in a heavily conservative area, you’ve got to try a little shock value. We’ll take you to a “die-in.”
A late start to work in the Texas House means a last minute flurry to try and bring bills to the floor for a vote. This often leads to fear and loathing, along with tears and anguish over what made it and what didn’t make it to a vote.
Also this week, we recap and look ahead at the local, state and national political headlines.
Talking Points with Bryan Mudd airs each Sunday morning at 11:30 a.m. and Sunday evenings at 11:05 p.m.
You can also watch the broadcast below: